An annual project that encourages young readers from years 3 to 6 to read for pleasure

What is the Gornest Lyfrau?
Gornest Lyfrau is an annual project that encourages young readers from year 3-6 to read for pleasure, discuss the books they read, and enjoy preparing a creative video, as a group or class, based on one of the books on the reading list.
There are 3 categories and reading lists available for:
- Years 3 and 4 (Welsh medium) and Translingual schools
- Years 5 and 6 Welsh medium
- Years 3 – 6 English medium schools
How does it work?
Schools will need to choose one book from the list to discuss and another to present as an advertisement. A county round will be held under the care of the county organisers, and the county winners will go on to the national round in the summer term.
The winning school will win a special trophy and one of the following:
- 1st Prize – £200 worth of books
- 2nd Prize – £150 worth of books
- 3rd Prize – £100 worth of books
More information about the county and national rounds is available in our Canllaw Gornest Lyfrau, as well as the Pecyn Gweithgareddau both are available to schools by contacting us directly at or the county organisers.
Key Benefits
- encourage children to get hooked on reading and enjoy good books.
- cultivate positive and long-term attitudes towards reading.
- support the development of emotional literacy and nurture key skills such as communication and analysis.
- support the requirements of the Curriculum by offering a variety of activities to individuals and groups across the Areas of Learning and Experience.
- promote and raise awareness of books, authors and illustrators.
- celebrate exceptional quality in the field of children’s literature.
Register for the Gornest Lyfrau
Schools can register with their local county organiser by 05 December 2024.
If you would like more information about your local county organiser, please contact