As a child I was an avid reader, devouring all books from Dahl to Blyton to Dick King-Smith. This love of reading led me to an English Literature degree where I undertook modules in Welsh writing in English and children’s literature. After university, I started working in libraries and decided this is where I wanted my future to be. As an academic librarian at Cardiff University, I witness the impact being a reader has on a person’s academic career, from enhancing their vocabulary to increasing their general knowledge, as well as the benefits reading brings to mental well-being.
As a mother of two children who have inherited their mother’s love of reading, I have revisited my childhood favourites, and discovered a few more along the way. Sharing books we love is a joy, and the bedtime reads are still an important part of our day as a family.
I love being able to recommend books to friends and family as I fully believe a love of reading starts in childhood. I’m incredible excited to be on the judging panel for the Tir na n-Og Awards.