Design a T-shirt – What would your T-shirt look like to celebrate World Book Day?
Send your design for a chance to win one of the new T-shirts by ani-bendod.
Print the template HERE and be creative!
Once you’ve finished, send your design to:
Children’s Books and Reading Promotion Department
Books Council of Wales
Castell Brychan
SY23 2JB
or email: plant@llyfrau.cymru
CLOSING DATE: 14 March 2025
Welsh Writing Competition
Aled Hughes’ BBC Radio Cymru programme hosts a competition for pupils in Welsh primary schools.
We call on pupils to write a story in Welsh of no more than 500 words.
There are three categories –
Foundation Stage, ages 5-7
Key stages 2a, ages 7-9
Key stages 2b, 9-11
The competition will officially be launched on the Aled Hughes programme on 7 March 2024, which is World Book Day.
Applications will be judged based on the following criteria:
- originality
- plot
- characterisation
- Language
- enjoyment
The competition will close in early May 2024.
Please note that the winners will be announced on the Aled Hughes programme. The winners themselves will receive a gift from the Book Council of Wales, along with a digital cover designed for the winning stories.
To enter, the pupil must send their short stories through the school (along with an application form found on the Radio Cymru website) to Radio Cymru by the deadline.
The address is:
Sgwennu Stori Aled Hughes
BBC Radio Cymru
Bryn Meirion
LL57 2BY
Please state clearly the pupil’s pseudonym, category, and school name at the top of each story. The school will need to keep a list of the pupils’ names and matching pseudonyms.
Make sure that you have read the terms, the privacy notice, and the privacy notice for young people before competing.
Application Form – PDF
Application Form – Word
For more information contact the Aled Hughes programme on aled@bbc.co.uk