Ceri Griffith

Ceri Griffith

My name is Ceri Fflur Griffith, and I am 22 years old.


I grew up on a farm near Pentir, north Wales. After I received my education at Brynrefail Secondary School in Llanrug, I decided to study a BA degree in Welsh and History at Cardiff University. After three valuable and fun years there, I have chosen to stay in the city for another year in order to study an MA degree in Welsh and Celtic Studies.

I have loved reading since I was a toddler, and often a pile of books would grow alongside my bed as there was not enough space on the shelf that was overcrowded with books belonging to me and my sister! I preferred stories full of magic, and often immersed myself in them and tried to imitate the characters. I also enjoyed creative writing at school and in my free time, and continued this interest at university by studying relevant modules such as ‘Scripting’ and ‘Creative Writing’.

During my third year at university, I had the opportunity to study the Children’s Literature module. I’ve had a taste of how children’s literature and the idea of childhood have developed over the years, and I have learned about the importance of the influence of literature on children and young people as they get to know the world around them. Having completed the module, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I am keen to continue to read and study children’s books in Welsh, as well as emphasise the fun and creativity that comes from reading them.

I very much appreciate being a member of the panel this year, and I look forward to reading the wide range of books! These awards are vital in promoting literature to children and young people in Welsh, and particularly in encouraging more writers to introduce varied and entertaining books. It is a great opportunity for children to familiarise themselves with talented writers who are keen to represent them fairly, as well as entertain them.