A gift to support and inspire young writers

A gift to support and inspire young writers

This year, nine young writers have been able to take a step closer to realising their ambitions to become published authors, thanks to a generous bequest from Marie Evans, who wished to support young people to develop their writing skills.

Thanks to Marie’s family, the Books Council of Wales was able to organise a writing retreat, to give young authors the chance to spend two days in the company of author Sioned Erin. They were able to take time to discuss writing, share ideas and take part in individual discussions with Erin to receive her feedback on their own work. The group also spent time with the Books Council’s Head of Publishing Development, to gain an insight into how publishing works and the path to becoming a published writer.

Caryl, who took part in the sessions, said “it has meant the opportunity to step out of the busyness of everyday life and take time for what is so important to me. It has inspired me to write again.”

Megan said that the retreat has meant that the group could “inspire each other, celebrate our creativity and our differences and take advice on the most difficult aspects of creative writing.”

Sioned Erin won the Prose Medal at the National Eisteddfod, Ceredigion in 2022 with her volume of short stories, Rhyngom. She led the retreat, sharing her own experiences from starting out as a writer to becoming an award-winning published author.

She said: “These are the first workshops I have held as a creative facilitator. There are some negative voices in your head at the beginning, and you often question whether you are good enough and experienced enough to hold these kinds of workshops. But really, there was no need for me to worry for a second. The group, and Bethan from the Books Council, were so lovely, so supportive and exceptionally hardworking, and the feedback has been so heartening and such a boost. These workshops are extremely valuable to those who attend them, but I’m keen to stress how valuable they are to the people who run them, too. Thank you so much for the opportunity.”

Bethan Jones, Head of Children’s Books and Reading Promotion at the Books Council of Wales said: “We would like to say thank you so much to Marie’s family for enabling us to hold this writing retreat in her memory. Marie worked for the Books Council for over 30 years and her wish was to support young people to develop their writing skills. Her gift has given nine young people the opportunity to work with an established author, and to share their experiences, inspiration and ideas with other young writers.”

The writers were selected following an open call-out held in 2023 which invited young writers aged 18–25 to apply with a sample of their work, and nine were invited to take part. The first retreat session was held in January 2024, and the second day was held in June. We wish the group all the best and hope that they will keep in touch as they continue on their writing journeys.

A gift to support and inspire young writers

Young readers limbering up for the Summer Reading Challenge

Young readers from Ysgol Twm o’r Nant in Denbigh have been getting ready to tackle this year’s Summer Reading Challenge with author Leisa Mererid at a launch event at Denbigh Library this afternoon, Wednesday 10 July 2024.

The children have signed up for the Challenge, created by national charity The Reading Agency, which aims to keep kids reading over the summer holidays with events, activities and brilliant books – all available to access for free from local libraries.

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge, Marvellous Makers, celebrates creativity – from dance to drawing, junk modelling to music – there’s something for everyone.

And author Leisa Mererid got the class from Ysgol Twm o’r Nant off to a great start, by introducing her book Y Wariar Bach, with some yoga moves and breathing exercises.

Meira Jones, from Denbigh Library, said: “We are so excited to have the national launch of this year’s Summer Reading Challenge at Denbigh Library, Denbighshire. The Challenge encourages the children to read for pleasure throughout the summer, improving their reading skills and confidence. It’s all about imagination and creativity this year so there is something for everyone, come to your local library and join in the Marvellous Makers fun!”

Dafydd Davies, Headteacher at Ysgol Twm o’r Nant said: “Ysgol Twm o’r Nant is very pleased to be part of this launch at Denbigh Library. As a school we are very active in promoting reading for pleasure and are sure that being part of this launch will encourage our young learners to continue to read over the summer holidays.”

The annual Summer Reading Challenge is delivered by The Reading Agency. It is supported in Wales by the Books Council of Wales, thanks to funding from Welsh Government. In partnership with local libraries, the scheme aims to prevent the “summer dip” learning loss many children experience over the holidays when they aren’t in school. With libraries’ support, it provides a free, fun way to keep young minds active.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle, said: “I know what a great pleasure it is to be truly absorbed in a book. The Summer Reading Challenge is a really fantastic way for children to develop reading skills, discover new authors and gain a lifelong passion for books.

“That’s why we are funding the scheme again this year to make sure all children have the opportunity to continue their reading during the summer holidays.”  

Young readers aged 4–11 can sign up for the Challenge at their local library, or online, and unlock rewards, discover new reads, log their reading and enjoy a range of free activities. Find out more at your local library or at summerreadingchallenge.org.uk