Alexander John

Hi! My name is Alexander John, and I am from Llantrisant in south Wales. I am 17 years old and a Year 13 A level student studying Biology, Geography and English Literature. I will be starting my studies in Archaeology and Anthropology at the beginning of the next...

James Hook

  JAMES HOOK James Hook is an author, and former Wales international and British & Irish Lions rugby player. James grew up in Port Talbot, and played for Neath RFC, Ospreys, Perpignan and Gloucester over the course of his 13-year club career. He also made 81...

Charlotte Harding

Charlotte Harding, Mother & Blogger. @witchywales Charlotte is a blogger, vlogger and parenting influencer from Ferndale with two sons. “If I hadn’t picked up those books in school, I doubt I’d be the person I am today. They helped me through...


I Love Reading! Dwi’n Caru Darllen! To support our Schools Love Reading campaign, in this series of blogs, people from across Wales share their love of reading and discuss how books have been integral to their identities and success. For more information on...


My name is Loti. I come from Abergavenny originally, but I am currently a first year student at Aberystwyth University studying Politics and International Relations. In my leisure time I enjoy running, reading, and travelling. I am looking forward to being on the...