design & editorial

DESIGN & EDITORIAL As part of our work in supporting and developing the publishing industry in Wales, the Books Council offers a range of professional services to publishers including editorial and design. The aim is to support and improve the quality of books...


It goes without saying that authors are the lifeblood of a thriving publishing industry. It is their stories and their writing which draws us to read and to buy or borrow books. As a Books Council, we support the work of authors through our support for publishers in...

Our Partners

The aim of the Books Council is to support the publishing industry and promote reading across Wales. To help achieve these goals, we often work in partnership with other bodies and organisations who share our vision. We’ve listed some of our main partnerships here but...

outreach scheme

What is the Outreach Scheme? It’s a Scheme that helps booksellers and events organisers to work together in order to provide book-stalls at small and large-scale events throughout Wales. Who benefits from the Scheme, and how does it work? The Scheme benefits...