Sioned Dafydd

Sioned Dafydd

Sioned Dafydd is Chair of the panel judging the Welsh books in the primary and Secondary categories of the Tir na n-Og Awards 2024. I’m a senior lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University, responsible for the Welsh-medium provision on the Primary PGCE course. I was...

Francesca Elena Sciarrillo

Helô! Francesca Elena Sciarrillo ydw i a dwi’n 26 oed. Mi ges i fy magu yn Sir y Fflint ond dwi hefyd yn dod o deulu Eidalaidd; symudodd fy neiniau a’m teidiau i Gymru yn y chwedegau i greu bywyd gwell i fy nheulu. Yn 2019, symudais yn ôl i’r Wyddgrug yn Sir y Fflint...

Want to read more in 2023?

Want to read more in 2023, but not really sure where to start? Here are a few ideas and suggestions that might help   Reading Recommendations Not sure what to read? Looking for recommendations? Try podcasts that discuss books. The Storytellers’s Podcast with Gary...

Football World Cup

The Little Welsh Football Fan by Mark Williams The little Welsh fan has a chance to see Wales play in a major tournament! A perfect story 3–5-year-old football fans! Alun the Bear and the Football Match by Morgan Tomos Alun has the opportunity to train with the Wales...